year one builder warranty

I am shooting this video today from my personal home!  A few months ago, I shared my debacle with the staircase that prohibits my “2-car garage” from being a 2-car garage at all.  (Stay tuned, a solution has been found and I will share soon!)

I wanted to touch upon what your builder may or may not cover in your 1st year of home ownership. There may be items that will totally shock you that your builder may not guarantee after you sign on the dotted line closing day.  Shortly after we moved in, there was a major rain event and we discovered a terrible roof leak in our freshly painted, brand new garage. What a mess! The inside corner of our garage had damaged sheetrock and seam tape hanging, along with damage in the attic. The roofing subcontractor remedied the roof defect very quickly BUT, are you ready for this?  My builder does not fix damage caused by something like a roof leak, they fix the root of the problem, but the cosmetic was on us.  Well, that was not going to fly for us. Our sheetrock would not be damaged if the roof was installed correctly.  After many phone calls, emails, and texts our builder decided to do us a “favor” and fix the damage. I truly can’t make this stuff up!

I share this with you today because when you purchase a new construction home you will likely be filling out a builder’s contract. This contract is geared towards the builders’ interests, not yours, and you may be shocked to learn what the builder isn’t willing to remedy during that 1st year of ownership.

Looking to build a new home? Please reach out, I have a lot of experience with new construction. I can help!


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